After discussing our services, you are entitled to a free sample edit of your manuscript. For this service, we will look at a 2k work excerpt of your work, preferably from the middle of your manuscript. This is because the middle tends to be less edited than the first chapter and will give us a better sense of your general issues in writing.
We do not edit or polish up manuscripts that are made from AI generators. If we have agreed to edit your work, we have agreed to edit a story that you have created yourself, not one that has been cobbled together from plagiarized texts stolen from across the internet. There will be a line in your contract affirming that your work is your own, and if we find that you are lying about this, we will keep your deposit and end our relationship, as this will be a breach of contract.
When discussing your work with the editors prior to editing, please disclose possible triggers, including rape, suicide and self-harm, and abuse. This enables us to ensure that you are paired with an editor who will not have to back out of the project for their own health and your project will not be delayed.
Works submitted should be properly formatted (including paragraphs, to the best of your ability) and have gone through at least one round of self-editing.
This means it should not be up to your editor how to spell your characters’ names, and you should have finished whatever first draft notes that you’ve placed on the document for yourself. Your editor cannot finalize a document that isn’t yet in its second draft.
Professional editing helps to elevate your manuscript but is not a substitute for authorial attention.
Our packages offer successive rounds of editing, such as developmental followed by proofreading, or manuscript evaluation followed by developmental editing of another draft. We can construct a package for you that makes sense with your project. We do not offer simultaneous levels of editing. Developmental editing creates substantial changes to the draft and should not be done at the same time as proofreading, which occurs right before publication. Nor should a line edit and a proofread be done at the same time.
By definition, this does not make sense and seems to be designed to mislead newer authors. Line-editing and proofreading are meant to be separate steps to fully prepare your manuscript for publication.
This is an end-stage service to catch final errors before publishing. Your draft should have been read over by yourself and checked for grammatical, syntactical, and formatting problems prior to this service. We will not attend to line-editing issues in a proofread.
We accept Paypal or Venmo on all services. For all editing services, a non-refundable down payment for a portion of the total amount must be paid before beginning work.
For editing services priced by word, manuscripts under 100k will be paid in two installments, including a 50% non-refundable down payment and a final payment due immediately upon receipt of services.
For editing services for manuscripts over 100k, we can work out a payment plan involving three to four payment installments. In this case, the first down payment will amount to no less than 40% of the whole. Final payment is due immediately upon receipt of services.
A la carte consultation services will be prepaid for each session, with the exception of bundles, which can be broken into installments.
For packages, you are expected to pay the down payment prior to the start of work and after each installment as outlined in your contract with us. It is expected once we agree to a contract, you will follow through with the rest of the package. If you change your mind after receiving a portion of the package, you will not be refunded for what you’ve already paid.
Works submitted should be properly formatted (including paragraphs, to the best of your ability) and have gone through at least one round of self-editing.
This means it should not be up to your editor how to spell your characters’ names, and you should have finished whatever first draft notes that you’ve placed on the document for yourself. Your editor cannot finalize a document that isn’t yet in its second draft.
Professional editing helps to elevate your manuscript but is not a substitute for authorial attention.
No double dipping. We are paid per project, and the word count will be discussed and approved prior to beginning work. Do not send bonus chapters or another project along with your current project and expect this to be edited as well.
Down payments include the operating budget and involve clearing your editor’s schedule to work on your project. There is no refund on the down payment for any reason.
Please make sure you review our rates before we start.
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